
salted sakura (cherry blossoms)


 Sakura cherry blossoms are blooming everywhere in Tokyo so beautifully today.
As you know , we all love this flowers deeply. We always keep in our mind to happy feelings when we enter the new school , join the work and start new life, because our new semster stars from April.
Never forget about the feeling when we just started.
 Do you know salted sakura?  It is preserved sakura flower with salt. Before we use it, just soak salted sakura in water. We sometime use cooking.That is very useful and easy to remind our fresh starting feelings.
That is easy to get at super market in Japan.

That is salted sakura.


Beef bowl

1.Cook rice
2.beef thinly sliced and sliced onion

3.Heat the oil ,  onion and beef.
4.Add dashi, sake, mirin, sugar and soy sauce
5.Just boil

6. Place hot rice in bowls and put simmerd beef on hot rice.


Hinamatsuri (Doll's festival or Girl's festival)

Today March 3rd is a "Hinamatsuri"  Doll's festival or Girl's festival.  A set of graceful hina dolls is displayed in families with daughters to celebrate for the healthy growth and happy future's marriage of daughters.

 That hina dolls representing the emperor and empress in gorgeous ancient court costumes.
 Each family tends to make chirashi sushi and some special meals for auspicious occasions.

 Chirasi Sushi(Scattered sushi)
 Simmered red snapper with burdock
spring vegetable tempra