
Shio Koji

Have you ever heard "Shio Koji", literally means salted malted rice.
That is the Japanese traditional seasoning which is mixed malted rice and salt, water with the salt malted rice and mature fermentation.
 It had been used for a long time as a pickle floor of vegetables and the fish in Japan, but came to win popularity by various usages recently.
 "Shio koji" is fermented food, we can enjoy a plump fragrance. "Shio koji " break down protein and starch when we pickle vegetables and meat, a fish, and it is disintegrated to an amino acid, and the taste increases again with moisture. 

 We can enjoy dipping sauce only "Shio Koji". Shio Koji seems to be magic sauce!!!
Please try it!!


Curry rice

Curry rice is very popular Japanese home cuisine. Every family has a own taste.


( for 20dishes)

A)400g pork or beef (bite sized cut)
   1tbs of each; curry powder, cayennne powder, cardamon ground, turmeric curcuma(if any)
1tbs of olive oil

2 onions
2 carrots
5~6 potatoes
20g mushrooms
2L bouillon
2boxes of Japanese curry roux
http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/wrapping/item/550724/  *if you don't get Japanese curry roux, you can substitute curry powder and wheat flour

1tbs of olive oil

How to make

 1. Mix A) together in a plastic bag and marinade during cutting vegetables.
 2. Cut potatoes and carrots in bite sized pieces)
 3. Cut onions thinly sliced
 4. Pour 1tbs of olive oil and 1.marinated pork or beef  into the thick pan. And stir-fry until the color is changing light brown and add 1tbs of red wine and make a low temperature .
5. Add 1tbs of olive oil and stir-fry sliced onions.
    Make siced onions in a low temperature to fry slowly and carefully until it becomes the light brown.
6. Stir-fry potatoes, carrots and mushrooms.
7. Pour bouillon and  stew it for about 30 minutes(until vegetables soften).
8. Put into Japanese curry roux into the pan. Stew it for 10minutes.
9. Serve rice topped with curry.