
Cold Tofu with Dashi-jelly


 Dashi jelly
  2cup(480ml)  Dashi(Japanese soup stock based on bonito and kombu)
      * in detail       http://japanesehomecooking-okaasan.blogspot.com/
  1/4cup(60ml) Vinegar
  1/4cup(60ml) Mirin
  5tea spoon (25ml) Usukuchi soy sauce
  1tea spoon gelatin powder dissolved in1tea spoon of water

 1 tofu

  1tea spoon grained ginger
  1tea spoon chopped green onion
  1tea spoon bonito slice

How to make

 1. To make Dashi jelley.
     Simmer Dashi, vinegar, Mirin, Usukuchi soy sauce and add gelatin.
2.  To cool Dashi jelley in the refrigirator until it becomes jelley.
3.  Prepare for the spices. 
 4. Serve Tofu on the Dashi jelley. Put spices on Tofu.

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