
Temari sushi

The shape of this sushi is similar to temari (playing handball).  Please enjoy lovely round shape.


1) rice for sushi (basic)

300g boiled rice

sushi-vinegar (mixed vinegar for sushi)
3Table spoons of rice vinegar (45ml)
2Table spoons of sugar (30ml)
1/2Table spoon of salt(7ml)
*mixed together and boil for a minutes.
*If you can't make sushi vinegar, you can easily get sushi-vinegar here.

2)temari sushi topping
  raw tuna (sashimi part)
  raw sea bream (sashimi part)
     young leaves of sansho for garnish
  smoked salmon
  pinch of wasabi

 * I also recommend steamed shrimp.

Process to make

1. Prepare sushi for rice.

       mixed boiled rice and sushi vinegar in a bowl.

2. Slice thinly sushi ingredients.

3. Scoop up a pinch of wasabi on the back of topping of sushi. Put topping raw fish on the plastic clingfilm and take a small amount of sushi rice(process1).

4. Squeeze the tail of the lap tightly after fix the form in a circle. You can keep it with plastic cling film just before serving to  prevent drying the topping of sushi.


It is an annual event we are looking forward to every year.
2013Tableware Festival is started on February 4 in Tokyo Dome until 11th. From the productions throughout Japan, the makers such as tableware, lacquerware, the tablecloth gather. We can buy various itmes there.  You can discover new items.

in detail



Spagethi Napolitana

This spagethi has been familiar with "Spagethi Napolitana" for long years in Japan. But this Spagethi Napolitana is nothing to do with Napoli in Italy.  This kechup based spagethi was produced in Japan around 1950s. Kids loves it!


     250g  Spagethi
     100g bacon
     1 onion
     5~6 mushrooms
     1~2 bell peppers 
     1 paprica(yellow)
     1Tbs vegetable oil
     15g(almost) butter
     10Tbs kechup

    2L boiled water


Process to make

 1. Prepare boiling water in a deep pan for a spagethi.  
 2. Cut  all ingredients in bite size.
 3. Heat vegetable oil and butter in a frying pan, and stir-fry onion, mushroom and bacon over medium heat .
 4. Add bell pepper and cook for 5 minutes.
 5.  Boil spaghetti a little too much for around one minute from indication time. 
      You must be thinking "Is it OK not al dente ?
      Yes that's OK it's a style of this spagethi.
6.   Wash boiled spagethi with cold water like soba or udon noddles. And drain water well.

  7. Add boiled spagethi(process 6) to the flying pan(process4) and ketcup. And cook all ingredients mixed together until the all liquid is evaporated.

8. Serve in a plate and sprinkle parmesan cheese.


Pork tenderloin cutlets (Hirekatsu)

Pork tenderloin cutlets (Hirekatsu)

 We often eat cutlets(katsu) when we'd like to win the game or to pass the examination, etc.
Because katsu has the meaning "win".
Pork fillet cutlets are very soft and juicy. Please enjoy!!!

     600g pork tenderloin part
    salt and pepper
       2 beaten egg
       bread crums
  vegetable oil
     5Tbs tomato ketchup
     5Tbs Worceter sauce
     1tbs soy sauce
     1tbs sake(if any)
   *heat all ingredients of sauce before prepare the cutlets.
Process to make
 1. Cut pork tenderloin part into thickness in 1cm. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the pork.
 2.Prepare Breading
 3. Put pork into ①flour lightly, ②dip in beaten egg and ③ bread crums. Pat lightly to secure bread crums.
4. Prepare vegetable oil into deep pan to fry cutlets. Drop pork(process 3)  in oil at 330F(165℃)low temparature at  first  to heat a part of the inside with being soft.
Because the part of outside bread crumbs is easy to burn  inspite of the inside raw.
Turn over when brown, raise oil to 350F(175℃)to crispy.
5. Drain the oil. And Serve pork tenderloin cutlets with chopped cabbage, siliced lemon, and petit tomato.
6. Serve with chopped cabbage, sliced lemon, and petit tomato.
7. When you eat it, put sauce.



Simmered potato with dashi and butter

Ingredients (for 4 people)

4 potato (May Queen potato variety) I recommend
800cc dashi
100cc light soy sauce
100cc mirin
pinch of salt
20g butter
choppped green onion



1. Peel potato.
2. Pour dashi, and potato into a deep pan. And cook the low heat.

3. Add soy sauce and mirin and continuously cook the low heat for 1hour.
4. Add butter into 3process and cook the low heat for 10minutes. Please pay attention not to melt potato.
5. Serve potato and soup and garnish with chopped green onion.


bento (anpan man)

Kids bento.
Kids loved cartoon character "anpan man".

↓ This tools make easy to draw character's face. I made anpan man's face to cut nori (sea weed).

Simmered pork belly and Japanese radish(daikon)

Daikon (Japanese radish) is very delicious in winter time. I could get big good daikon today.


   1 Japanese radish
   2 pieces of pork belly

   1600cc Dashi
   50cc sake
   30cc mirin
   2Tbs sugar
   100cc soy sauce

How to make

  1. Boil 2l water into deep big pan. Put enter pork belly into boiling water and heat medium for about 20 minutes skimming the simmer. Drain Pork belly and cut into bite size. Throw away the boiling water.This porocess is need for reducing the fat of pork belly.

 2. Cut Japanese radishi.
3. Pour dashi, sake, sugar, boiled pork belly and cutted Japanese radish into a deep pan.
    Cook the low heat after boiling and skimming the simmer for about 30 minutes.

4. Add soy sauce and mirin and still cook the low heat for about 30 minutes.


Omerice ( Omelett with fried chiken rice)


 Omerice is a omelett with fried rice and produced around 1900 in Japan.
 It is easy to make and kids love it!!!

* fried rice
     1 chicken thigh(chopped)
     1 onion (chopped)
     1 carrot (chopped)
     2 bell pepper(chopped)
     8 mushrooms (thinly sliced)

     boiled rice

     4Tbs ketchup
     salt and pepper
    1tbs olive oil or vegetable oil

     2eggs for each omelet
     1tbs milk
     salt and pepper
     1tbs olive oil and 1tbs butter

      4Worcester sauce
      1tbs red wine(if any)

How to make

 1.  Prepare for fried rice ingredients and boiled rice.
   2. Heat the pan and pour the olive oil. Stir onion first and put chicken when the color of onion changes. Put carrot, bell pepper mushroom and stir and taste with salt and pepper.
 3. Put boiled rice into 2. and ketchup and stir. Fix the taste with salt and pepper.


4. Prepare for the omelet
    put eggs, milk salt and peper into the bowl and mix together.
5. Heat the pan and add olive oil and butter and pour the mixed eggs(4).

6. Put the fried rice on the egg.

 7. Wrap egg.
8. Serve omerice to a dish and pour sauce.




 This dish is the Japanese local food in Aizu and eaten for auspicious occasions such as festivals and birthdays.
 Aizu is located surrounded by the mountains, so it was difficult to obtain raw fish in old days. Because of  that,they use dried scallope, dried shiitake mushroom, , kombu, and katuobushi(bonito).
You can enjoy the specially taste of the soup stock that mixed of vegetables and dried sscallope, shiitake mushroom, kombu and katuobushi.



Nanakusagayu means seven herb rice gruel. Nana means seven. This gruel is eaten on January 7 to avoid all illness throghout the year. Seven herbs are seri, nazuna, gogyo, hotokenoza, kabu, hakobe, suzuna (radish). I made also special thickened sauce based with dashi and scallope. It made finally by mixing kuzu flour or katakuriko(Japanese potate starch)

 seven herbs

Japanese radish salad

During New year holiday Seasons , we are apt to eat and to drink too much.
When you feel a stomach heavy, why don't you reset your digestion?
Japanese radish is said to be helped digestion from old days. I use japanese radish and radish also for the dressings.





If the food osechi (boiled and seasoned of New Year dishes and sashimi)
 remain, how about change such a rice?

There is a lot shiitake, lotus root, food boiled and seasoned of the carrot and sashimi (raw fish)
and herring roe, delicious ingredients for New Year holidays, but is apt to just remain.
When I chop all finely in such a case and toss it in the rice which I do it and mixed with vinegar, it is in chirashi-sushi
Please try it; ...  Amazingly delicious!!!

*how to make vinegered rice







Zoni is mochi(rice cake) in soup. Zoni is special New Year dish of mochi in vegetable soup.
The receipe of Zoni has variety of the districts. My style of  zoni in the northern part of Japan.
Ingredients are Mochi, Japanese radish, carot, raro, shiitake-brown mushroom, fis paste cake, and chiken with dashi based soup.
