
Matcha latte( green tea latte) ♥


 1/2tea spoon of Matcha(green tea powder) *1
 1/2tea spoon of sugar
 1tea spoon of hot water

3/4 Cup (150cc)    milk

How to make
 1. Pour Matcha and sugar in the tea cup. Mix  matcha  and sugar with hot water.

 2. Warm milk with microwave oven for 1minute and half to 2 minutes.  ( it depends on the microwave oven condition.)    Or warm milk.
 3. Whisk warmed milk with a whisk.

4. Pour whisked milk into 1. the macha slowly to pay attention not to distinguish whisk.

To draw the Matcha latte

5. Wave Matcha with a tea strainer from the top.

6. Pour whisked milk again.

7. Draw a picture with a toothpick as you like.

*1 Matcha is a green tea powder. For keeping Matcha you can freeze it. Before use it, you can defrost it.



ikura ~salmon eggs marinated with soy sauce~

Now is the best season for getting raw salmon eggs in Japan. If you get fresh salmon eggs, you can easiliy make ikura.
Please pay attention to select fresh fresh salmon eggs.


 2parts of salmon raw eggs

for marinated sauce    4:4:1= soy sauce: sake: mirin   and    add    dashi  ( as you like  )
1/4 cup (60cc )      soy sauce
1/4 cup (60cc )      sake*1
1Table spoon of (15cc) mirin*2
100cc dashi*3

How to make
 1. To make marinated sauce
     Boil soy sauce , sake and mirin for the flavor and add dashi.
     To cool it naturally. (Please wait until it becomes cool. If you are hurry, you can cool it in   the refrigerator.)
2.  Pour boiled water on part of salmon raw eggs  to tear skin off easily.
3. Divide it into eggs and skin. ( we use only eggs.)



4. Mix divided raw salmon eggs and marinated sauce and preserve it in the refrigerator. You can keep
   it for 4-5 days in the refrigerator.

Ikura is match for boiled rice!!  Also we use ikura for ikura sushi!!




 Sukiyaki is a dish of thinly sliced beef, shiitake mushroom ,Chinese cabbage , welsh onion ,garland chrysanthemum  and  tofu cooked in an iron pan at the table.
It is seasoned  wth soy sauce, sake, sugar, and mirin. When you eat sukiyaki with beaten egg, it become more delicious.

warishita ( soy based sukiyaki sauce )
     100cc soy sauce
     50cc mirin
     50cc sake
     3 Table spoon of sugar

800g~1kg thinly sliced beef
1/4 chinese cabbage
1 welsh onion
4~5 shiitake mushirooms
1/4 garland chrysanthemum( if any)
1 tofu
1 piece of beef fat.

How to make
1. To make warishita. Mix soy sauce, mirin, sake, and sugar.
2. To prepare for the ingredients.   Slice  welsh  onion chinese cabbage and  garland chrysanhtemum.
Cut the axis of shiitake mushrooms and cut tofu into bite size pieces.
3. To prepare table cooker*1 and an iron pan at the table.
4. Heat the iron pan and put beef fat. When the beef fat melt, steak  2-3pieces sliced beef .
    Put all ingredients and pour warishita and put the cover on the pan and make it a low temparature.
    Boil sukiyaki while waiting for water to flow from vegetables and the color of beef changes to white.
5. When you eat sukiyaki with beaten egg in indiviual dish, it become more delicious.

 table cooker*1 (portable gus stove)


Sports festival

October 10th is a Sports Day in Japan. Sports festival of schools is held in many places.
We bring "obento" and have a lunch like a picnic with our family and frind's family.
That is  fun!!


Norimaki ( Sushi roll )

 1) rice for sushi (basic)
    300g boiled rice   
     sushi-vinegar (mixed vinegar for sushi)
      3Table spoons of rice vinegar (45ml)
      2Table spoons of sugar  (30ml)
      1/2Table spoon of salt(7ml)
      *mixed together and boil for a minutes.
      *If you can't make sushi vinegar, you can easily get sushi-vinegar  here.

 2)ingredients for rolled sushi
  8sheets Nori *seaweed
  1 tamago-yaki ( Japanese omelet )
  1 avocado
  1/2 sliced  cucumber
  8piecies of crab meat or *kani-kama(cheap not real crab)
  80gram canned tuna
  2Table spoon of mayonnaise

How to make

 1. Prepare for the sushi -rice.
       mixed boiled rice and sushi vinegar in a bowl.
 2. Make tamago yaki(Japanese omelet)
      mixed 2 eggs and 1Table spoon of sugar)
      Pour 1tea spoon of vegetabole oil in a pan, and add 1/2egg and folding. And pour rest of egg and
  3. Prepare for the all ingredients.
       slice avocado and cucumber and tamagoyaki (Japanese omelet).
       crab meat or kanikama.
1.                                                                3.
4. Put  nori seaweed and sushi -rice on a makisu*.
   And cover nori seaweed. (It's easier to roll rice and ingredients.)
5. Put all ingredients at the center of the rice.

6. Rolling it.
7. Wrap rolling sushi with plastic wrap to avoid to dry. You can keep it before you serve sushi-roll.
8. Cut sushi-roll into bite size. You can easily cut sushi roll pieces after you wet knife with wet papaers.


Nikujaga ( Steamed beef and potatoes in Japanese mom's style)


   4 potatoes
   1 onion
   200g sliced beef
   1/2 carrot
   2 boiled snap bean( if you have)

  400ccDashi (Japanese broth)
  2Tbs (30ml) Sugar
  2Tbs(30ml) Sake (Japanese rice wine)
  2Tbs(30ml)Mirin(sweet liquid flavoring)
  3Tbs(45ml) Soy sauce
  1ts(5ml) vegetable oil

How to make


1.Cut potatoes ,carrots and sliced beef in bite size. Slice onions.
2. Pour vegetable oil , potatoes, carrots, onions and beef into a deep pan.  And stir them lightly not to burn until the beef color changes to white.
3. Pour Dashi and boil with medium fire until boil it. Add sugar, sake, mirin and boil with low fire and
  while taking the lye.
4. Add soy sauce and boil it for about 20-30 minutes over a low heat. Be careful not to burn and mix together softly.
5.Serve Nikujaga into plate and garnish boiled snap bean.


Cold Tofu with Dashi-jelly


 Dashi jelly
  2cup(480ml)  Dashi(Japanese soup stock based on bonito and kombu)
      * in detail       http://japanesehomecooking-okaasan.blogspot.com/
  1/4cup(60ml) Vinegar
  1/4cup(60ml) Mirin
  5tea spoon (25ml) Usukuchi soy sauce
  1tea spoon gelatin powder dissolved in1tea spoon of water

 1 tofu

  1tea spoon grained ginger
  1tea spoon chopped green onion
  1tea spoon bonito slice

How to make

 1. To make Dashi jelley.
     Simmer Dashi, vinegar, Mirin, Usukuchi soy sauce and add gelatin.
2.  To cool Dashi jelley in the refrigirator until it becomes jelley.
3.  Prepare for the spices. 
 4. Serve Tofu on the Dashi jelley. Put spices on Tofu.


Dashi(Japanese soup stock based on bonito and konbu)

 I think Dashi plays the most important role in  Japanese cuisine. Dashi becomes the base of the taste.
If you get bonito and kombu, you can make Dashi by yourself.  Thank you.


 4cups (960ml) water
 15cm ×25cm kombu 2pieces
 2 once (50~60gram)  bonito

How to make ichiban(first)dashi

  1. Soak kombu into water for3to4hours.
  2.Simmer water and take kombu before boiling..*Don't boil kombu to keep a good fraglance of kombu.
  3.Simmer water (process2) and weaken low temprature just before boil water and add 2table spoon water.
4. Add bonito into water (process3) and add 2table spoon water and simmer on high temparature.
    Stop fire just before boiling ,keep 1minute and filter bonito out of  water.

This clear water is Dashi.


Karaage( Japanese fried chicken)

Karaage (Japanese fried chicken) is also kid's favorite menu.
You can enjoy Karaage as tidsbids of the liquor for the father,or as a side dish of the rice.
And it is often appeared in the lunchbox because it keeps delicious even if it is cools down.

Ingredients  6 servings
    6 chicken thigh (cut bite size)
        marinade liquid
              1/3cup soy sauce  (80ml)
              1/4cup sake (60ml)
              1/4cup mirin(60ml)
              ginger grained (fresh)
              garic graind(fresh)

  1cup potato starch( 240ml)

   2cup vegetable oil

How to make    
1. Make the maninate liquid. Mix together.                                         
2. Marine chicken for 30minutes to 1hour.
3. Take out chicken from the marinate liquid and drain the liquid.
   Cover marinated chicken with potato starch. You can easily this process in the plastic bag.
4. Preheat the vegetable oil in about 340degree F (170degree C) in a deep pan.
5. Put the coating chicken with potato starch into the oil for about 2-3 minutes.
    And  take out chicken form the oil once and leave chicken on the paper towel for 5 minutes. 
    This process of using residual heat reaches to the inside of the chiken
    and  keep the softeness and the juices  of  the chicken.    ← This is the tip!!               
6. Finally Preheat the vegetable oil in about 356degree F (180degree C) in a deep pan.
    Put the chicken ( process 5) into the oil for 2-3 minutes.
7. Take out chicken from the oil and drain the oil on the paper towel.  

   2.                                                           3.


Dried Curry

Dried Curry

 Dried Curry  is  one of my family's favorite recipes. A lot of vegetables are in and very nutrious.
Because I boil it with vegetable juice.Making dried curry is very easy and enjoy various tastes.
I'm glad if you like it!

 600 gram minced beef or pork
  2 minced onions
  1 bell pepper
  1 tomato
  1 carrot (grating)
  1liter vegetable juice (including not sugar)
  1 cube of consomme
   Japanese curry roux

   *if you don't get Japanese curry roux, you can substitute curry powder and wheat flour.
                                                          1tbs of olive oil

How to make
   1. Chop onions , tomatoe and bell pepper .
   2. Grate carrot
   3. Pour 1tbs of olive oil and 1.2. into the thick pan. And stir-fry 3 until the color is changing white.
   4. Pour vegetable juice into the pan. Skim the broth. Stew it for 20-30 minutes.
   5. Put into Japanese curry powder into the pan. Stew it for 10minutes.
   6. Serve rice topped with dried curry.


    1.bread topped with dried curry and cheese.
    2. Bake it 230℃(450F)

     You can preserve it into Ziploc into the freezer.




 Tempura is fresh seafoods and vegetables that are dipped in batter and deeply fried. You can enjoy the ingredients in season. Please taste with salt or special sauce.  The tip for making delicious tempra is to keep water cold before fry ingredients.

  batter    2 yolk eggs                                                
               2cups wheat flour(240g)
               2cups cold water(400cc)           
   10 shirimp
   5 asparagus
   10 slices of pumpkin
   5 half of egg plants
   5 piece of paprika
   ingredients as you like

vegetable oil
2 tablespoon of sesami oil (for flavor) *If you have

special sauce
     1cup dashi(Japanese soup stock) 200cc
     50cc mirin     
                                                                  http://search.borderless.rakuten.com/borderless/search.action?   l=en&pf=&pt=&f=0&fs=0&vm=2&sm=0&sp.st=&t=new&tl=100227&k=mirin
     50cc soy sauce
    Mix materials and boil.

How to make Tempra
 1.Wash ingredients.
 2. Prepare for the tempura batter.  *Tips :Keep batter cold!!

 3. Heat vegetable oil 340-360F(about 170-180C) in a deep pan.

4.Dip ingredients in batter and fry in heated oil until is becomes crispy.
5. Drain tempura on the cooking paper and cut oil.
6.Serve tempura with salt or special sauce.

How to make rice.

Boiled rice
Boiled  rice is Japanese staple food, and most basic thing of Japanese style-dishes. A traditional Japanese meal are consisit of rice, fish, vegetables and miso soup. Sushi is also made by rice. Even though you don't have rice cooker, don't be afraid!  You can easily make boiled rice with your thick pan. Please try it.
  rice    3cups
 water 3cups
 Please prepare for the donabe (the left ) or thick pan(the right).

  ※donabe is made with soil , it is well superior in heat retention.
      If you are interested in it, you can buy it here.


How to make rice                        

 1. Rinse rice with water and throw away water.
   Repeat it  (a few  times) until the color becomes light.
2. Stock the rice(1) to a colander and keep it refrigerator.
    *you can omit this step if you don' have enough time.
3. Soak rice for over 30 minutes.
 4. Close the cover on the donabe or thick pan.
Boil it over a medium heat approximately 5 to 10 minutes.When you hear hubble- bubble sound or steam break out please turn the gas down.
5. Simmer it for about 10 minutes. Never open the cover.
6. Boil at high heat and count 10seconds. You can feel savory smell of rice being
 7.Stop fire and steam it for 15 minutes. Never open the cover.

. 8.The scorched part is the best.


:*You can also easily make boiled rice with rice cooker just pressing  the start button.